. Gambar yang aku pertaruhkan adalah seperti di bawah ☺☺☺.

Name: Iman Hakimi Bin Husaini
Age: 28 Months
D.O.B: 1 July 2007
Jom beramai² kita join contest ni. Silalah terjah blog nuroll. Antara syarat² nya as per below:
This contest is open to all baby or toddler age 1 day till 4 yrs old.
N will divide this contest into 2 category
Category A - Below 2 Yrs old.
Category B - Age 2 till 4 years old.
Only 1 photo and one baby / toddler for each contestants - DONE
Please mention the baby/ toddler name , age and bitrhdate together with your entry - DONE
Those who participate must be a mummyameeer follower and list mummyameer in your bloglist - DONE
Participant also must paste the contest badge and link it to the contest - DONE
Once your entry is done, please leave your comments in myshout box and N will leave a comment inside your entry - DONE
My mum Datin Habibah will choose the winner yer....
The price? Will announce once the finalist shortlisted. :)!!
This contest ends on the 23th November 2009
TQ everybody!