Unusual Year 2011...Tahun Lahir + Umur = 111

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11.

Now take the last 2 digits of the year you were born, plus the age you will be this year and add them together. Did you come up with 111?

For example, I am 32 and I was born in 1979...32+79 = 111

Try it on your age and date of birth.

It is a very special year.

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9 komen

  1. TARIKH LAHIR ANAK SAYA MENARIK JUGAK. 8 / 11 / 2008 = 081108. Dalam IC, tonggang terbalik pon sama je.. :)

  2. ic anak aku pun sama gak 070507...lalalala...

  3. aah la..sume hari jadi akan jadi 111...menarik nyaaaa

  4. haah la kak! 111 laaa teror sey!

  5. yeah, mmg jadi 111..
    tapi kalo yang lahi thn 2000 ke atas,
    dy nanti jadi 11 je~ hehe..

    btw, jgn lupa 14.11...haha

  6. TO ALL COMMENTOR: Unik dan menarik kan :-)




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