
KFC - better watch out!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sharing is caring, just received this email from my friend.

Donno how far this is true....just be careful

For those who love KFC. be extra careful yea ....

One day usual my friend and I went to the nearby KFC to have our dinner. After ordered the burger and combo set, we found a place and sit down.

Everything was like normal, until one guy sitting next to us asked the waiter to his table. However, the waiter did not bother him so he ran to the counter and "invite" the waiter to his table. My friend and I thought that might be a prank or something.

This time, the waiter came to his table and he showed him the combo plate of chicken that he bought. The guy asked: what is this inside the chicken meat? Because it was quite a distance so we can't see real clear. The waiter look into the chicken and replied: sorry Sir, I think it must be our staff carelessly fell down the worms into the chicken while frying..

The guy shouted loudly: WHAT?!! It is not due to careless, it is grew inside the chicken itself!

When we heard the word "worm".. we was like.... Urggggg...crap...due to the guy shouted too loud, therefore the manager has come to comfort the guy and apologize that will return all his money. However, the guy continue yelling and said: how can you bring out such a thing for you customer.....

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19 komen

  1. is that true???saya rasa nak muntah bila baca ni..

  2. KFC tu mmg nak kena...belum lagi bab staff ambik gheta customer buat gherta sendirik..hahaha

  3. Bunga_angkasa: I'm not sure about that, but be carefull jer. Saya pon nak muntah, goli den.

  4. HADA: Aku tak tahulah KFC kat Malaysia atau KFC luar, tapi geli ah aku tgk gambo ayam tu, kembang tekak.

    ZELLA: Memang geli.

  5. saya pernah kerja kfc, partime waktu semester break dolu2..
    I do not believe that can happen to kfc..xtaulaa kot cita ni just a propaganda kan..
    kfc guna FIFO
    after pressurized cook (definitely all types of worm pun dah fried kan, ayam di transfer to almari yg macam peti ais kat kedai, xingat nama pa ntah..
    then pindah ke island (tempat letak ayam kat belakang cashier tu)
    turn over ayam kfc sangatlaa tinggi, so xmungkin kalau ada makhluk2 yg leh bertelur nih sebab bertelur dan telur tu bertukar menjadi worm (which takes hour gaklaa)...

  6. tak mcm ayam kepsi pun - komen dari penggemar tegar KFC...ahahaha

  7. Btul to rozy, mcm tak logik pon ada. Tak tahulah klo ada propoganda lain yang nak menjatuhkan KFC.

  8. As..aku pon penggemar KFC gak, tapi tak tegar mcm ko lah...ahaks...hopefully bukan KFC dari Msia lah kan As.

  9. OMG!!! biar betoi ni. hilang selera tngok benda gini =(

  10. aku tgk cam lalat punye telo aje fiza.. hahahaha aku kes aku nih..

  11. serius geli sangat... banyak lak tu ilatnya ek...

  12. macam2 kan.... apa-apa pun berhati2... bosan2 singgah le...


  13. ADAMOKHTAR: Tak tahulah betul atau tak, hopefully tak betul lah, tapi be carefull jer (^_^)

    ELY: Macam telo lalat pon yer, mcm ulat pon yer gak ☺☺☺

  14. LADY: Memang sgt geli, lpas ni kena tgk bebetul ayam tu.

    SHARINGINFOZ: Ha'ah, skang ni memang mcm² yg unexpected.

  15. beli makanan mamak je la camni
    seb bek kfc sini haram
    xmakan r

  16. ekk
    minat contest?
    jgn lupe join contest ya

  17. tapi benda tu ada kat tengah2 isi ayam tu..ayam tu macam dah dimakan kemudian ditinggal seketika n masa tu la en lalat tu pegi btelur kat situ..secara logiknya...en lalat takkan masuk dlm isi ayam dan bertelor..hmm tak percayala..kalau telur lalat tuh duk kat kulit ayam logikla gujak..nak makan free kot...




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